Here you can find all the phone numbers you can call on the office phone, with their translations from Italian to English! (Translations done by Flowey, friend of Lapizza)
,,They were called..Bullboys, yes, Bullboys, good. No wait, wait, you were Lelly Kelly I think…(weird sounds) So, since it was something really crazy, those from 5th grade got hyped and started to call me Magic Boy (laughing hard) and so they were making only me play in their match, and my friends were jealous of me because I wasn’t really one of the best, but they still chose me… (*Laughs about the name ,,Magic Boy”’*)
,,Im talking about…” (Hums a melody)
,,Lorenzo, good morning, I hope he doesn’t kill me…I dusted off this fell…slightly cracked horn…I don’t know how is called but I apologize…look, is better if I show you, because then he would say “she didn’t say anything” and I can put a bit of tape” (Translator note: She’s foreign, Italian is not her first language)
,,By the way, the genius that closed the valves (of the speaker’s home), if they are bold enough to show themself, so we can resolve things differently, now that the valves of my home are closed..I enter my home and I feel cold. If the noise is too much, I also already advised the administrator more than once, use the earplugs or drops for sleep, alright?? so for the person who did that, without me knowing, and they show themselves, so we can resolve it, me and that person, also if they have the courage..ok? well good night.”
*screams of pain*
,,Berna, listen… when you arrive home, can you bring the scottex..and if you have it at home, also 1 toilet paper would be useful..ehm…also scottex would be really useful”
,,Francesco, last night we spotted cockroaches at my home. My nephew spotted them, if we can proceed with the disinfestation please? thanks.”
A: Hello?
B: Hello…who is it? The lady?
A: No, I’m Mignotta…ah! listen, the director called me..and..what happened?
B: Nothing happened…….the director called me..
A: Yeah no, he called me.
B: Ah! and what do I know, I don’t know anything, I’m oblivious to everything..